
Improving MDS Outcomes from Diagnosis to Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Approach
A Complimentary CME Summit on Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

Hosted by American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), American Society of Hematology (ASH), and The France Foundation

The goal of this summit is to improve performance diagnosis and treatment of MDS patients. Participants will actively engage in multidisciplinary, interactive small-group activities, including: 

Case-based tumor board discussions
4 Break Out Sessions covering

  • Assessing low or high grade MDS
  •  Acquiring of morphologic mimics
  • Applying the prognostic scoring system to cytogenetics
  • Identifying the new role of molecular testing

Team Based Case Analysis and Presentation
Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize when not to perform fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for MDS-related abnormalities on bone marrow samples obtained for cytopenias (based on Choosing Wisely recommendation: September 2016).
  • Review the new (2016) WHO classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia, including new terminology.
  • Use tools for MDS classification and risk stratification, based on morphological, clinical, and cytogenetic criteria.
  • Utilize prognostic scoring systems in MDS patients.
  • Identify the impact of gene 5q deletion, 5q-, haploinsufficiency and allele RPS14 on diagnosis and treatment of MDS.
  • Recognize commonly overlooked or misinterpreted MDS patient characteristics.
  • Delineate important aspects of bone marrow specimen acquisition, preparation and transport that impact the accuracy of pathologist interpretation.
  • Individualize treatment of patients with MDS.
  • Explain common comorbidities associated with MDS and how they can affect disease management and outcomes.
  • Formulate an MDS management plan that includes scheduled time for discussions with the patient, important aspects of care to discuss and referral to patient education resources.
  • Use a multidisciplinary clinical care team for diagnosis and treatment of patients with MDS.
Who should attend:
Pathologists, Hematopathologists, Medical Laboratory Scientists, Hematologists, Medical Oncologists, Pathologists' Assistants, Hematology & Oncology Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants.

The Workshop is designed to bridge practice gaps in Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) diagnosis and classification for multidisciplinary teams representing hematologists, oncologists, pathologists and hematopathologists to achieve enhanced patient outcomes.

The program will offer online post-workshop reinforcement activities including MDS CheckPath Simulations and 4-Multimedia MDS Cases featuring Hematologist, Oncologists & Pathologist teams.


Click here to review the agenda.


Boston, MA
October 4, 2017
MDS Faculty:
David Steensma, MD
Marilyn Slovak, PhD, FACMG

Dallas , TX
October 18, 2017 MDS Faculty:
Sa Wang, MD

Los Angeles, CA
November 8, 2017 MDS Faculty:
Marilyn Slovak, PhD, FACMG
Dita Gratzinger, MD, PhD (Chair)