Training Residents in Genomics
Undergraduate Training in Genomics
Universal Genomics
Training Fellows in Genomics
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TRIG Model-Related Manuscripts
TRIG Genomic Pathology/Oncology Curriculum Reviews
A call to action: training pathology residents in genomics and personalized medicine
TRIG on TRACK: educating pathology residents in genomic medicine
Teaching residents genomic pathology: a novel approach for new technology
Genomic oncology education: an urgent need, a new approach
Progress and potential: training in genomic pathology
The National Cancer Institute R25 Cancer Education Grants Program: A Workshop Report
Genomic pathology: training for new technology. In: Genomic applications in pathology, 2nd edition
TRIG Genomic Pathology/Oncology Curriculum Studies
The current state of resident training in genomic pathology: a comprehensive analysis using the resident in-service examination
Using a Team-Based Learning Approach at National Meetings to Teach Residents Genomic Pathology
Teaching Genomic Pathology: Translating Team-Based Learning to a Virtual Environment Using Computer-Based Simulation
Integration of Genomic Medicine in Pathology Resident Training: A Work in Progress
Development of a Validated Exam to Assess Pathologist Knowledge of Genomic Oncology
UTRIG/Medical Student Curriculum
The Undergraduate Training in Genomics (UTRIG) Initiative: early & active training for physicians in the genomic medicine
Call for improvement in medical school training in genetics: results of a national survey
Universal Exercises Curriculum
Improving Genomic Literacy Among Cardiovascular Practitioners via a Flipped-Classroom Workshop at a National Meeting
TRIG Archived Lectures
2013 Reference Information (.pdf)
2013 Lecture I: Genomic Pathology: An Introduction (.ppt)
2013 Lecture II: Genomic Methods (.ppt)
2013 Lecture III: Interpreting Genomic Information for Clinical Care (.ppt)
2013 Lecture IV: Genomic Medicine: Communicating with the Patient (.ppt)