Preparing Healthcare Providers for Genomic Medicine



The “TRIG model” is a structured approach to developing resources for genomics education. Multi-disciplinary committees, with representation from major national and international genetics, oncology, and pathology organizations, have developed teaching materials for trainees as well as practicing healthcare providers. There have been over 50 international TRIG-related workshops for more than 2000 participants at meeting of major medical organizations. Using team-based learning (TBL), these workshops have been recognized as an “educational innovation” for the unique approach. Instructor Handbooks and Toolkits - as well as Online Modules that simulate TBL, are available to enable others to locally implement similar training. There have also been over 10 TRIG-related publications (link). Over 4000 people from more than 90 countries have downloaded materials from the website and, based on survey data, they have been used with more than 3700 learners. There are 4 TRIG-related committees whose work has been supported, since 2012, by an R25 grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as well as supplemental funding from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

Training Residents in Genomics (TRIG) Working Group: In 2010, TRIG was formed through the Pathology Residency Directors Section (PRODS) of the Association of Pathology Chairs (APC). The goals of this group, made up of experts in medical education, molecular pathology, and clinical genetics, are to develop teaching tools, and promote genomic pathology education. The TRIG Working Group represents a unique collaborative effort in pathology education with members from many major pathology organizations and representatives from the National Society of Genetic Counselors, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. In addition to conducting workshops at the annual meeting of major pathology organizations, an Instructor Handbooks/Toolkit and online modules are available for local implementation of training. Survey data indicates that approximately 35% of pathology residency programs in the United States use TRIG resources.

Universal Exercises: Through R25 supplemental funding from the NHGRI and the multi-disciplinary Intersociety Coordinating Committee for Health Professional Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG,, universal exercises based on the TRIG model have been developed. A Universal Genomics Instructor Handbook and Toolkit are available to allow educators to develop specialty-specific TRIG-based exercises. Using a “plug-and-play” format, in which specialty specific diseases and genes can be added, the modules have been adapted to several specialties including cardiology, neurology, and ophthalmology with workshops held at national meetings.

Undergraduate Training in Genomics (UTRIG) Working Group: In 2016, UTRIG was formed under the Undergraduate Medical Educators Section (UMEDS) of the APC. This group includes medical school pathology course directors and, similar to TRIG, has representation from major genetics and pathology organizations. UTRIG has adapted the TRIG curriculum to teach medical students. Similar to the TRIG curriculum, an Instructor Handbook/Toolkit as well as online modules are available to enable medical and other health professional schools to locally implement similar training.

Training Fellows in Genomics (TFIG): In 2023, TFIG was formed in collaboration with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Made up of oncology educators as well as experts in molecular pathology and genetic counseling, TFIG is developing a genomic oncology curriculum for both practicing oncologists and oncology trainees. The curriculum is based on workshops held for oncologists at ASCO Annual Meetings as well as those of the World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC). As part of the program, oncology fellowship program directors, partnering with a local genomic oncology expert, will conduct workshops for their fellows. A “train-the-trainer” approach, including webinars, an online community discussion platform, and an Instructor Handbook/Toolkit, will be utilized to enable the program directors to effectively implement the training.

All TRIG-related materials have been extensively vetted and evaluated.

View working group members and key contributors

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TRIG Members

Richard L. Haspel, MD, PhD (Chair)
Lisa Browning, MD
Devon Chabot-Richards, MD
Allison Cushman-Vokoun, MD, PhD
Alix D'Angelo, MCG, CGC
Marie DeFrances, MD, PhD
Siddhartha Devarakonda, MD
Helen Fernandes, PhD
Pedro Fernandez, MD, PhD
Jonathan Genzen, MD, PhD
Michael Hurwitz, MD, PhD
Neal Lindeman, MD
Jackie Payton, MD, PhD
Alexander Nobori, MD
Erik Nohr, MD
Ben Saylor, MD
Mark Sobel, MD, PhD
Keith Stringer, MD
Chad Vanderbilt, MD
Martin Young, MBBS

UTRIG Members:

Rebecca Wilcox, MD (Co-chair)
Richard L. Haspel, MD, PhD (Co-chair)
Patricia Adem, MD
Hana Anderson, PhD
James Atkinson, MD
Robin D. LeGallo, MD
Madelyn Lew, MD
Tina Lockwood, PhD
Rizwan Naeem, MBBS
Hasan Rizvi, MBBS
Julian Sanz, MD, PhD
Kate Shane-Carson, MS, LGC
Mark E. Sobel, MD, PhD
Eric Suarez, CDER, MC, USN
Laura J. Tafe, MD
Jason Wang, MD


Leah Burke, MD
Grace Huang, MD
Loren Joseph, MD
Debra Leonard, MD, PhD 

ASCP Staff

Suzanne Ziemnik, MEd
Devon Cortright, MEd
Kellie Beumer
Michelle Martin
Ryan Soles
Jay Wagner

APC Staff

Mel Limson
Priscilla S. Markwood, CAE

TRIG and UTRIG Working Group Cooperating Organizations

Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS)
American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)
American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP)
Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP)
Association of Pathology Chairs (APC)/Program Directors Section (PRODS) and Undergraduate Medical Educators Section (UMEDS)
Association of Professors of Human Medical Genetics (APHMG)
College of American Pathologists (CAP)
Health Education England
Intersociety Council for Pathology Information (ICPI)
National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC)
Royal College of Pathologists UK
Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica (SEAP)
United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)

Universal Genomics Instructor Handbook and Toolkit Key Contributors

Richard L. Haspel, MD, PhD
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH
Tim Stout, MD, PhD
Jeffery Vance, MD, PhD
Veeral Shah, MD, PhD

Cooperating Organizations

Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics, Innovative Approaches Working Group (ISCC)
American Academy of Neurology
American Heart Association
American Academy of Ophthalmology